Viter Technologies

For well – diversified businesses with complicated structures our proposal is buying a licence and get an access to comprehensive digital solution

What do we offer?

Smart features for
your business

Each businesses encounter a variety of challenges that demand swift adaptation and innovative solutions to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. Fluctuation of market conditions and consumer preferences, fierce competition, meeting customer expectations and delivering exceptional experiences, recruiting and retaining top talent, managing finances effectively, navigating complex and ever-changing regulatory landscapes can pose significant issues. To stay agile and navigate through unpredictable shifts and maintain competitiveness businesses need to differentiate themselves through unique value propositions, and continuous innovation to stay ahead.

What do we provide?

Digital Management Intelligence Business Platform

Rapid advancements in technology bring wide opportunities. We provide you with a several tools, that address these challenges, leveraging them as opportunities to innovate, improve processes, and strengthen their competitive position in the market.

Viter Technologies Limited is an operator of unique Digital Management Intelligence Business Platform.  In order to adapt digital trends into your key success factors, we offer you a few forms of cooperation.

Strategic Vision

The platform enables automatically perform a thoughtful and structured function of direction creating for the organization, guiding decision-making at all levels that ensure goal alignment and working towards common objectives. These goals account for company capabilities, stakeholders demands and market opportunities.

Features of our platform are included:

Comprehensive Assessment

Comprehensive assessment of organization's current state, including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Review industry trends, market dynamics, and competitive landscape to identify emerging opportunities and challenges.

Align Organizational Capabilities

Ensure alignment between the strategic vision and the organization's capabilities, including its structure, processes, systems, culture, and talent. This alignment is crucial for driving sustainable growth and achieving long-term success.

Monitor Progress and Adapt

Establish systems and processes to monitor progress towards the strategic vision, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones. Continuously assess and adapt strategies in response to changes in the internal and external environment.

As a result of the software implementation, you will enjoy the tool, that quickly develop a corporate strategic vision that provides a clear roadmap for success and guides towards a future of sustainable growth and impact.

Hands-on Investments

This tool plays a critical role in investment decision-making by providing users with the tools and insights needed to analyse data, manage risks, optimize portfolios and generate alpha. By leveraging our solutions effectively, you can make informed decisions, achieve investment objectives, and drive superior returns.

  • Decision-Making support

    Decision-Making support by providing real-time analysis of market conditions, economic trends, company performance including fundamental analysis and technical to identify investment opportunities.

  • Portfolio Management

    Portfolio Management tool helps to optimize asset allocation and rebalance portfolios based on risk tolerance, investment objectives, and market conditions. By analysing portfolio performance metrics and conducting scenario analysis, managers can make strategic adjustments to maximize returns and minimize risk.

  • Risk Management

    Risk Management tools assesses and mitigate investment risks by analysing factors such as volatility, liquidity and correlation. Risk management dashboards and reports provide insights into portfolio risk exposure, enabling investors to implement risk mitigation strategies.

  • Performance Measurement

    Performance Measurement tool tracks and measure investment performance against benchmarks and objectives. Performance attribution analysis identifies the drivers of portfolio returns, such as asset allocation, security selection, and timing decisions, helping to understand the sources of portfolio performance and make adjustments accordingly.

  • Reporting and Communication

    Reporting and Communication tool reports and communicates, generating customized reports, dashboards and performance summaries for investors. Interactive visualizations and self-service let to access real-time data and track their investments, enhancing transparency and trust in the investment process.

  • Predictive Analytics and Forecasting

    Predictive Analytics and Forecasting tool leverages predictive analytics and forecasting models to anticipate market movements, identify potential risks and capitalize on investment opportunities. By analysing historical data and incorporating leading indicators, you can make data-driven predictions about future market trends and adjust their investment strategies proactively.

Business Process Digitalization

This software decision provides the users with data-driven insights to optimize and automate various aspects of business operations.

Data Integration

Data Integration from disparate sources across the organization, including enterprise systems, databases, IoT devices and external sources. By aggregating data from multiple sources, you enable a holistic view of business processes and facilitates data-driven decision-making.

Process analysis and optimization

Process analysis and optimization solutions review historical process data to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and areas for improvement. By visualizing process flows and performance metrics, the tool helps organizations streamline workflows, optimize resource allocation and enhance operational efficiency.

Process automation

Automation involves using technology to execute repetitive tasks and processes without human intervention. This can include automating data entry, document processing, approvals, notifications, and other routine tasks. These tools enable the creation of custom workflows without the need for coding, improving efficiency and reducing manual effort.

Our tool enables organizations to optimize processes, mitigate risks and drive innovation to increase efficiency and accuracy, implement cost-saving, enhance agility and flexibility.

Focus on Customer Experience

The tool provides organizations with the important information to meet customer needs effectively by deliver personalized, seamless and memorable experiences that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy, long-term business success in future perception.

  • Customer Insights and Segmentation tool

    Customer Insights and Segmentation tool analyse customer data from various touchpoints, including transactions, interactions and feedback to gain deep understanding of customer behaviour, preferences and needs. By segmenting customers based on demographics, purchase history and engagement patterns, the tool let you personalizes products, services and marketing efforts to better meet individual customer needs, thus enhancing the overall customer experience.

  • 360-Degree View of the Customer tool

    360-Degree View of the Customer tool integrates data from multiple sources, such as CRM systems, social media and customer support channels to create a unified view of the customer journey. By analysing customer interactions across different channels and touchpoints, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of the customer lifecycle, identify pain points and deliver consistent experiences throughout the customer journey.

  • Personalized Marketing and Recommendations

    Personalized Marketing and Recommendations enables organizations to leverage customer data to deliver personalized marketing messages, offers and product recommendations. By analysing past purchase behaviour, browsing history and demographic information, the tool helps organizations target the right customers with the right message at the right time, increasing relevance and engagement while minimizing the risk of customer churn.

  • Predictive Analytics and Next-Best-Action

    Predictive Analytics and Next-Best-Action tool prepares models to anticipate customer needs and preferences, enabling organizations to proactively recommend next-best-actions to customers. By analysing historical data and behavioural patterns, the tool helps organizations predict future customer behaviour, such as purchase intent, churn propensity, or support requests, allowing them to tailor interactions and interventions to maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Customer Feedback Analysis tools

    Customer Feedback Analysis tools analyse customer feedback from surveys, reviews, and social media to identify trends, sentiment and areas for improvement. By aggregating and analysing feedback data in real-time, organizations can quickly identify and address customer issues, prioritize improvement initiatives and demonstrate responsiveness to customer concerns, ultimately enhancing overall satisfaction and loyalty.

    Brand Strength and Synergy

    The tool contributes significantly to enhancing brand strength by providing actionable insights derived from data analysis:

    • Market Research tools

      Market Research tools enable to analyse market trends, consumer behaviour and sentiment across various channels. By leveraging data from social media, customer surveys and market research. The tool helps organizations understand consumer preferences, identify emerging trends and anticipate changes in market demand. This insight allows brands to tailor their products, services, and messaging to better resonate with their target audience, thus strengthening brand perception and loyalty.

    • Cross-Promotion and Brand Partnerships

      Cross-Promotion and Brand Partnerships tool enhances synergy by advertising products across different channels and lets to collaborate with other brands or influencers that share similar values and target audiences can amplify the reach and impact of a marketing campaign. By leveraging the audience and credibility of partner brands, companies can create synergy and generate more significant results.

    • Brand Performance Monitoring

      Brand Performance Monitoring provides real-time visibility into key brand performance metrics such as brand awareness, perception and sentiment. By monitoring brand health indicators, you can track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, assess brand sentiment across different demographics and geographies, and identify areas for improvement. This allows brands to proactively address issues, capitalize on positive trends, and maintain a favourable brand image.

    • Brand Reputation Management

      Brand Reputation Management solutions monitor online mentions, reviews and feedback across various digital platforms. By analysing sentiment analysis and social media listening data, organizations can identify potential reputation risks, address customer concerns promptly and mitigate negative publicity. This proactive approach to brand management helps brands maintain a positive reputation, build trust with consumers, and strengthen brand loyalty over time.

    The software decision enhances customer engagement and drives business growth, giving your company facilities to build a strong and resilient brand that resonates with consumers, fosters loyalty and creates long-term value for stakeholders.

    Empowering Employees

    This tool provides support to employees to excel in their roles, drive business outcomes, and contribute to organizational success. The company management can unlock the full potential of their workforce, foster a data-driven culture and achieve sustainable growth in competitive business landscape.

    • Productivity Metrics

      Productivity Metrics tools allow organizations to track key HR metrics such as employee turnover rates, time-to-hire, diversity statistics, performance ratings, and absenteeism rates. By monitoring these metrics over time, organizations can identify trends, patterns and areas for improvement.

    • Access to Actionable Insights

      Access to Actionable Insights tools enable employees to access actionable insights derived from data analysis, allowing them to understand trends, identify opportunities, and address challenges in their respective roles or departments. By providing access to real-time data and intuitive dashboards, the tool empowers employees to make data-driven decisions that push business outcomes.

    • Performance Monitoring and Goal Tracking

      Performance Monitoring and Goal Tracking tools enable employees to monitor their performance against key performance indicators (KPIs) and track progress towards their goals in real-time. By visualizing performance metrics through dashboards and scorecards, the tool empowers employees to identify areas for improvement, prioritize tasks and take proactive actions to achieve their objectives.

    • Training and Skill Development

      Training and Skill Development solutions offer training and skill development programs to help employees enhance their data literacy and analytical skills. By providing access to online courses, tutorials and certification programs, the tool empowers employees to become proficient in using data analytics tools and techniques, enabling them to extract meaningful insights and drive business value effectively.

    • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

      Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing platform facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among employees by enabling them to share insights, reports, and analysis with colleagues across the organization. By fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration, the tool empowers employees to leverage collective intelligence, learn from each other, and drive innovation through cross-functional teamwork.

    For the businesses on the stage of growth or with lack of internal resources we are ready to provide an advisory service and make a full circle of software solutions implication. You will get expected immediate results with a minimum effort.

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      Our Services

      As a responsible partner we are ready to provide you with day-to-day support of you company. Our professional services let you to forget about administrative routine, comply with the regulations and concentrate on core activity and business development

      • Strategic Management Services

        Our strategic management services provide expert guidance and support to the clients in crafting, implementing and evaluating their strategic initiatives. From strategic planning to execution and performance monitoring, these services offer tailored solutions to help businesses adapt to market dynamics, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth. With a focus on aligning resources, optimizing processes, and fostering organizational agility, strategic management services empower businesses to navigate complexity and drive long-term success.

      • Accounting Services

        Accounting Services includes systematic recording, analysing and summarizing of financial transactions, include bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, budgeting, payroll processing and financial analysis. These services let your business maintain accurate financial records, make informed decisions, and comply with financial reporting requirements.

      • Legal Services

        Legal Services encompass a wide range of activities related to the law, including contracts, compliance, litigation, intellectual property, employment law and more. We provide your businesses with a required level of legal assistance to ensure all operations are conducted within the bounds of the law, to protect intellectual property and resolve disputes.

      • Tax Services

        Tax Services are included advising individuals and businesses on tax matters, preparing and filing tax returns, tax planning and representing clients in dealings with tax authorities. We help our clients to minimize their tax liabilities while ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations.

      • Talent Acquisition Services

        Talent acquisition services engage the process of sourcing, attracting, and hiring top talent for organizations. Leveraging expertise in recruitment strategies, candidate assessment, and employer branding, these services help businesses identify and secure the right candidates efficiently. From crafting job descriptions to conducting interviews, talent acquisition services ensure a seamless and effective hiring process, enabling companies to build high-performing teams.

      • Professional Management Services

        Professional management of business unit services offer specialized expertise and support in overseeing and optimizing the operations of specific business units within organizations. This includes strategic planning, resource allocation, performance monitoring, and continuous improvement initiatives tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each unit. By leveraging best practices and industry insights, these services enable businesses to enhance efficiency, maximize profitability, and drive sustainable growth at the unit level while ensuring alignment with overall corporate goals.